frequently asked questions

Flood insurance can be complicated, we are here to help. If you can’t find the answer here, please reach out!

General Inquiries

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) defines a flood as: 

“A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land area or of two or more properties (at least one of which is the policyholder’s property) from

  • Overflow of inland or tidal waters
  • Unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source
  • Mudflow
  • Collapse or subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or similar body of water as a result of erosion or undermining caused by waves or currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical levels that result in a flood as defined above.”

Your renewal notice will have information about how to make payments. Payments can be accepted online, via mail, or over the phone.

If you would like to make a payment over the phone, please contact America’s Flood at 800-333-0833.

To file a claim, you will have to contact your insurance carrier. Your policy declaration page has all of the necessary contact information. If you have difficulty finding it, contact America’s Flood at 800-333-0833 for assistance.

A few tips to make filing a claim easier:

  • Take photos and/or videos of damaged property
  • Sort damaged and undamaged property for inspection and evaluation
  • Work with your claims adjuster to determine and document all claim items

While flood insurance is usually optional, your lender may require you to carry it if you live in a high-risk flood zone. However, even those that live in a low- to moderate-risk flood zone can benefit from flood insurance. These areas, although they may not be near large bodies of water, can still flood as a result of poor drainage systems, significant amounts of rain, construction run-off, snow melting, and more. In fact, almost 25% of flood claims come from areas outside of high-risk zones.

Don’t be caught off guard with no way of protecting what is most important to you. If the NFIP is not available in your area, we can work with private insurance companies to find you coverage.

If your flood insurance is required by a lender for a new mortgage or a refinance, there is no waiting period. 

NFIP policies have a waiting period of 30 days without a loan closing.

Private Flood Insurance generally has a waiting period of 10-15 days. 

If you need additional coverage on your property, you can purchase ‘excess flood insurance’. You may consider purchasing excess flood insurance if you own property that costs more to rebuild than the maximum coverage amount allowed by the NFIP. For example, a home’s maximum coverage is $250,000. If it would cost more than $250,000 to rebuild the property after a flood, the homeowner would be responsible for paying anything beyond that $250,000. Excess flood insurance would cover costs beyond the $250,000, allowing the homeowner to insure their property for the full replacement cost. 

The NFIP does offer basement coverage. Basements are defined as an area of a building with a floor that is below ground level on all sides. Flood insurance does not cover basement improvements (i.e., finished walls, floors, ceilings) or personal belongings stored in the basement (i.e., furniture, etc.), but it does cover the structural elements and essential equipment of the room. The following items are covered under building coverage as long as they are connected to a power source (if required) and installed in their functioning location:

  • Sump pumps
  • Well water tanks and pumps, cisterns, and water in them
  • Oil tanks and oil in them, natural gas tanks and gas in them
  • Pumps and/or tanks used in conjunction with solar energy
  • Furnaces, water heaters, air conditioners, heat pumps
  • Electrical junction and circuit breaker boxes and required utility connections
  • Foundation elements
  • Stairways, staircases, elevators, and dumbwaiters
  • Unpainted drywall walls and ceilings, including nonflammable insulation
  • Cleanup

The following items are covered under contents coverage:

  • Clothing washers and dryers
  • Food freezers and food in them

The NFIP recommends both building and contents coverage for the broadest protection.

A and V zones are high risk flood areas, and you are required to carry flood insurance.  B, C, and X zones are lower risk but it is recommended you purchase flood insurance, as nearly 25% of flood claims come from low risk areas.


Still have questions?

Need to file a claim?

Click the link below!

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    America’s Flood has been providing thousands of Americans with flood insurance for over 25 years. As a privately owned, nationwide flood insurance broker, we are the experts in our field. Whether you need insurance through the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program) or a private market, we can help you find the best rate and coverage for your needs. Our agents are dedicated to providing honest, reliable customer service.


    +1 800-333-0883


    [email protected]